25 05, 2023

The new FICO SCORE 10T could sink your score by 20 points! (But there’s a silver lining.)

By |2023-05-25T06:19:04-07:00May 25, 2023|Blue Water Credit, Credit Cards, Credit Score, FICO, Fico Score|Comments Off on The new FICO SCORE 10T could sink your score by 20 points! (But there’s a silver lining.)

Your credit score dictates so much about your personal financial [...]

8 11, 2022

What’s the average credit card interest rate for your credit score?

By |2022-11-08T23:47:32-08:00November 8, 2022|Credit Cards, Credit Education, Credit Education., Credit Score, Credit Score Facts, Credit Score Myths, Interest Rates, Perfect Credit Score|Comments Off on What’s the average credit card interest rate for your credit score?

Credit card use is on the rise again, as Americans [...]

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