Your path to better credit starts here.
Whether your credit only needs a quick fix, or a total rebuild, we can help you. Once your destination has been defined, we will develop a unique strategy to repair your past, restore your present, and rebuild your future.

Your path to better credit starts here.
Whether your credit only needs a quick fix, or a total rebuild, we can help you. Once your destination has been defined, we will develop a unique strategy to repair your past, restore your present, and rebuild your future.

Highly Rated and Recommended
What you need to know about our Testimonials:
Testimonials represent the results of the particular individual and one should not expect the same result because every case is different. Blue Water Credit LLC promises only to communicate with the creditors on your behalf and in your name, verify report changes with bureaus, and provide you timely information about changes in your reports. Any credit score improvement seen after using our services is the result of many other additional factors, including: keeping credit balances low, paying bills on time, reducing or eliminating unnecessary inquiries, developing appropriate types of credit, and sound financial planning.
Risk Free Credit Consultation

Free Credit Consultation

Credit Affects You, Whether You Have It or Not
Credit Scores and Credit Reports
“What is a good credit score?” “What are the credit reporting agencies I should pay attention to?” These are questions people usually ask when it comes to credit scores in order to repair your credit fast.
When you apply for credit (credit card, an car loan, or a mortgage) lenders want to know what risk they’d take by loaning money to you. When lenders order a credit report, they can also can buy a FICO credit score that’s based on the information in your credit report. A FICO credit score is based on a snapshot of a credit report at a particular point in time.

This table is for illustrative urposes only. Individual cases very based upon current interest rate, credit score, and financial terms.
It is important to know that most credit scores on the internet are NOT the same scores lenders use. Over 90% of lenders use FICO Scores. The other credit scores out there are called “educational credit scores.”
We recommend pulling a credit report from a reliable source such as Annualcreditreport.com, Myfico.com or from a lender. Once you’ve obtain a copy of your credit report, contact Blue Water Credit for a risk-free consultation on how to maximize your FICO scores. We are headquartered in Sacramento California and also offer credit repair services in San Jose , credit repair in San Diego, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and many cities in the US.
Risk Free Credit Consultation
Every accomplishment begins with a step.
We believe there is more to life than making a living- we want to make a difference. Blue Water Credit’s goal is to provide you with a great experience, whether you just call in for advice or become a client. We aim to set clear expectations, have good communication and only take on clients we feel would benefit from our services.