When it comes to credit score, debt, and personal finance, 2017 was one of the most tumultuous and polarizing years on record. We saw the stock market surge, the real estate market come roaring back to pre-2007 levels, and the nation’s average credit score reach 700 for the first time ever.

But we also experienced surging credit card and debt levels, the Equifax hack and other mass data thefts that compromised the records of almost 200 million Americans, and skyrocketing rents still not enough to revive rock-bottom home ownership rates.

Through it all, the Blue Water Credit team has worked diligently, helping more people improve their credit scores and save money than ever.

What will 2018 hold? We’re not sure, but Blue Water Credit will be here as always, offering our advice, resources, and the best credit repair services in the business – all so you can make it a financially fruitful year.

To put 2017 to bed and kick off 2018, we wanted to share our top 10 Blue Water Credit blogs from the last 365 days, as determined by your views, likes, and shares.

As always, thanks for your trust and business, and be sure to check in with Blue Water Credit in 2018!

Your top 10 Blue Water Credit blog posts of 2017 (in no particular order):

Mortgage brokers and loan officers – here are 10 ways you can increase a borrower’s credit score in short order (parts 1 and 2):












Cracking your credit card’s numeric code. http://ow.ly/tFKl309rcds








Using Dave Ramsey’s Debt Snowball method to pay off your credit cards. http://ow.ly/TEap309zSV9









What makes Blue Water Credit different from other credit repair companies? http://ow.ly/mSdl309Jccx







Credit score by the numbers – from 1 all the way to $15 trillion! http://ow.ly/k7IN30brYw1








Grrr and ughhh about $$$! Our stress level about #money and finances is higher than ever http://ow.ly/Tc5X30c21zL








What credit score do you need to buy a home? http://ow.ly/f0ZV30d9W5L









EquiHACK! Here’s why you should be seriously angry. http://ow.ly/yf5S30f3iIv

Are you (or your partner) committing financial infidelity? Find out here: http://ow.ly/hSGw30ga0KR








The science of prospecting and lead management – a MUST READ for Realtors, loan officers, and salespeople! http://ow.ly/olEh30h32un